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Won't you be my neighbor? Kensington Courts Open House

Chris Somers

In 2003, Christopher Somers united forces with his wife Stephanie, a Philadelphia native, to engage in a real estate career...

In 2003, Christopher Somers united forces with his wife Stephanie, a Philadelphia native, to engage in a real estate career...

Nov 18 2 minutes read

 "Won't you be my neighbor?" 

Kensington Courts Open House

Big Announcement and a Big Thank You at Kensington Courts

Did you miss our big event?  Don't worry! We're going to share all of the new information below.  On Sunday, November 10th The Somers Team hosted a fantastic meet and greet for new all of the new homeowners, potential buyers, and commercial space owners.  We had a couple of BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS to share. 

First, the Riverwards Group announced they will be giving a FREE Membership to the Kensington Community Co-op to every owner-occupant household at Kensington Courts! This co-op is a beautiful addition to the neighborhood and offers coffee, beer & wine, fresh vegetables, snacks, and more. And it is located just across the street. 

The second announcement was that this groundbreaking development in Kensington will bring three additional Commercial Spaces for the community to enjoy! We welcome a delicious Sushi Restaurant and Convenience Store, a Cafe and Smoothie Bar, and a Nail Salon! 

Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed our event!  

Special thanks to our sponsors: Guaranteed Rate of Philadelphia, and Madison Parke, a TCS Management Corporation