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Is it time to buy a home?

Stephanie Somers

Co-CEO of a successful 20+ person team, Stephanie Somers has been bringing her fierce loyalty, unrelenting work ethic, and constant pursuit of creativ...

Co-CEO of a successful 20+ person team, Stephanie Somers has been bringing her fierce loyalty, unrelenting work ethic, and constant pursuit of creativ...

Jan 22 2 minutes read

Did you know rents are up 3% from last year? Are you cool with that?

Are you ok with the rising rental prices? In Philly, rents are up over last year by a whopping 5%. That is 2% higher than the national average. Over the course of a year, the average renter is giving about $20,000-$24,000 a year over to their landlord. In 5 years that's $100,000 - $120,000! Have you ever thought about what you could do with that money?

If you are renting, I want to keep you informed. In Philadelphia renting is not cheap. And you may be one of those people that can break the vicious cycle of throwing your hard-earned money away every month and every year.

Buying an affordable home or condo may be in your best interest.

We have a really amazing team of licensed agents ("dream makers" I call them) who have all been down your path personally. They have helped themselves and others turn their lives around through homeownership. It's a big deal and if you have ok credit and a steady income, this may be a time to consider the possibility.

You do not need to sacrifice any longer. Keep your money and make it work for you rather than your landlord. Please, give us a few minutes to see if it's your time to buy. 

We really do care. My offer to help will never expire. We hope to hear from you soon.